Support Small Business Saturday

23/11/12 10:13 PM

Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday!

Support your local community and Shop Small!

The History of Small Business in America

From the U.S. Department of State

“Americans have always believed they live in a land of opportunity, where anybody who has a good idea, determination, and a willingness to work hard can start a business and prosper. In practice, this belief in entrepreneurship has taken many forms, from the self-employed individual to the global conglomerate.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the public extolled the pioneer who overcame great hardships to carve a home and a way of life out of the wilderness. In 19th-century America, as small agricultural enterprises rapidly spread across the vast expanse of the American frontier, the homesteading farmer embodied many of the ideals of the economic individualist. But as the nation’s population grew and cities assumed increased economic importance, the dream of being in business for oneself evolved to include small merchants, independent craftsmen, and self-reliant professionals as well.

The 20th century, continuing a trend that began in the latter part of the 19th century, brought an enormous leap in the scale and complexity of economic activity. In many industries, small enterprises had trouble raising sufficient funds and operating on a scale large enough to produce most efficiently all of the goods demanded by an increasingly sophisticated and affluent population. In this environment, the modern corporation, often employing hundreds or even thousands of workers, assumed increased importance.

Today, the American economy boasts a wide array of enterprises, ranging from one-person sole proprietorships to some of the world’s largest corporations. In 1995, there were 16.4 million non-farm, sole proprietorships, 1.6 million partnerships, and 4.5 million corporations in the United States — a total of 22.5 million independent enterprises.”

After you shop tomorrow-

Leave a comment and let us know what small business you supported on Saturday and what wonderful things you bought!

Posted by Michelle Darnell | in Year of the Virginia Historic Homes | 30 Comments »

30 Comments on “Support Small Business Saturday”

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog at! May the smal businesses in your part of the country have a real fine Black Friday and profitable Christmas season!

  2. You are so welcome! We hope to see more of your blog in the future! Thank you for stopping by our blog!

  3. Dianna Says:

    I’m planning to shop on Main Street in downtown Smithfield today; the antique shops are calling my name! (Of course, I’m shopping for Christmas gifts!)

  4. Go Dianna! Smithfield is a great place to “Shop Small”! If I hadn’t needed to be at Belle Grove today, I would have loved to join you!

  5. JimInTheD Says:

    Reblogged this on Jim In The D and commented:
    I’ve got friends with stores all over Detroit. And now with a small business of my own, I understand the need for days like today!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing our blog with your readers! It really means a lot to us! Go Small Business!

  7. gardeniahung Says:

    Greetings on Small Business Day!

  8. Greetings to you!

  9. I’m off to buy gifts at Squishy Tushy in Blissfield, MI. Lovin’ the local this year!!!

  10. Way to Go!! Suishy Tushy sounds like a great place! What did you get?

  11. a little wooden hammer-the-ball-into-the-hole toy…. super cute, made in the usa & painted with non-toxic paint for a friend’s baby (for less than a similar plastic Fisher Price toy, I may add) and a bottle of all-natural yummy smelling hand lotion. It’s one of my favorite stores!

  12. So Cool! Thank you for sharing!

  13. Jane Sadek Says:

    The one thing I refuse to do this weekend is shop – big business or small. Things have gotten beyond nutty. I’m a big proponent of small business, which is challenging in a big city like Dallas, but I do stay out of the big box stores. Personally, I think Santa Claus must be embarrassed for us.

  14. I understand that! I drove by the mall on the way back from Belle Grove and thought “No way I am going in there!”

  15. The Hook Says:

    Cool cyber-haven you’ve constructed here!

  16. Thank you! As a small business, we really believe in supporting others in our area. America was built with small businesses and with the way things are right now, we need to do some rebuilding!

  17. Ray's Mom Says:

    Having been a small business in a small town, I always shop local when possible. It is fun getting to know the neighborhood.

  18. That is so true! Way to go!

  19. […] ( […]

  20. Thank you so much for sharing our blog with your readers! I really means a lot to us!

  21. Since I am a small business person myself, I always try to go to small businesses whenever I can.

  22. Go Deborah! Small Business owners built America. We can do it again!

  23. dedivahdeals Says:

    I had a great time shopping Small Bus Saturday!

  24. Way to Go!

  25. Thanks for liking my post – from one small business person to another! 🙂 Glad I’m not the only one posting about Small Biz Saturday on WordPress. 🙂 Even long before Small Biz Saturday, I’ve usually frequented (and I’ll always continue to visit) local mom-and-pop establishments. LOVE THEM! They have better services, better products, and not to mention more unique and personal touch.

  26. You are so welcome! We hope to see more of your blog in the future! I totally agree with you! Small Businesses are the backbone of America’s business.

  27. I’ll keep you posted – literally and figuratively! 🙂

  28. 🙂

  29. Shopped at our favorite independent running apparel/shoe store to gear up for winter a bit! ~ Kat

  30. Way to Go Small! Winter – Argh!