Well Deserved Reward

Feb. 13th 2013

Brett and I would like to thank all of you that have supported us through this journey.

We would like to also thank everyone for going to our Facebook Fan Page, Liking and Sharing us! 

While we didn’t hit our goal of 1000 Likes (we are up to 914 today), we still want you to know that it really showed the Planning Commission that we mean business. It meant so much to us!

And we want all our “Hurley the Plantation Dog” fans not to worry!

Hurley got his bone tonight!

Brett comes home with a special treat!(Notice all the tea cups lined up waiting to go to Belle Grove!)

Brett comes home with a special treat!
(Notice all the tea cups lined up waiting to go to Belle Grove!)

Hurley Attacks!

Hurley Attacks!



To see more pictures of our sweet Plantation Dog

Facebook Link

Please see Hurley’s album on our Belle Grove Facebook Fan Page!

Don’t forget to Like and Share us!

Posted by Michelle Darnell | in Hurley | 30 Comments »

Tomorrow’s the Day!

Feb. 11th 2013
Belle Grove in the Morning

Belle Grove in the Morning

Can you believe it??

Our first Zoning Permit Public Hearing is tomorrow!!

It seems like forever to get here! 

We are so excited to be here.

As of tomorrow, we have been working on this project for

580 days!!

But what this means for us is the start of the race to the finish line called “Opening Day“.

Once we finish with this meeting (and if we are approved) we will have one more Zoning Permit Meeting on March 19th.

If we are approved on March 19th, we are a “go” to start filling the house and doing the landscaping.

If we get all of that done in time

Opening Day will be

May 1, 2013!

We are excited to have gotten on Twitter and Instagram too!

Now if you are following,  you too can see the purchases we are making and the work we are doing in “real time”!

What a cool way to share the fun!

We want to thank all of you who went to our Facebook Fan Page over the last few days, “Liked” Us and “Shared” Us with your Facebook Friends! This will help us show the Planning Commission and the locals that will be come to our public hearing that we are well on the way to opening a successful Bed and Breakfast in their county!

We are almost to 1000 Likes!

Just 114 more!

Hurley and Brett at the Plantation

Hurley and Brett at the Plantation

I think Hurley deserves that Monster Chew Bone!

We will share the pictures of him getting it once we give it to him!

Facebook Link

Posted by Michelle Darnell | in Darnell History, Hurley | 37 Comments »