Revisiting the Belle
This morning after we announced the winner and had some fun wondering which Founding Father would be the best Batman and Robin, we headed back to the regional airport to see the “Memphis Belle”. You may remember our past post “From One Belle to Another.” We got some really good pictures of this B-17 Flying Fortress, but we didn’t get to see inside or see it fly that day.
This morning we did! It was so awesome! When we arrived it was out on a flight with some people so we had to wait for it to return. But boy, when it did, it was a sight to see!
Once it landed, we git to see inside. I can’t believe how small it was! The Tail Gunner and Ball Turret would have to have been small men! I can’t see just anyone fitting in there! On the movie it made the inside look so big! But really it wasn’t. The pilot, Ray was really nice enough to take my camera up to the cockpit and take some shots for us!
Then it was off for another flight. Watching them turn the engines on one at a time was so much fun to see. As it turned to taxi out to the run way, I felt a kind of sadness come over me. It was then that I started thinking about the number of men that left just like this in England, heading for a bombing run over Germany. I thought about the numbers that never made it back. Wow, even now, what pride I feel in the sacrifice these men willing gave.