Response from Mrs. Madison

14/12/12 5:16 PM

Dolley Madison

Dolley Madison

December 13, 2013

My Dear Mrs. Darnell,

  I received your favor of the 12th instant and read it with the utmost pleasure and amusement.  Indeed, we felt no less honored to receive you both into our home, and you must promise it will not be your last visit.  I was particularly gratified to view your miniature of Mr. M–’s birthplace.

     Enclosing a thousand wishes for your happiness and prosperity on every and many Christmas days to come, I remain ever your, 



Posted by Michelle Darnell | in Year of the Virginia Historic Homes | 18 Comments »

18 Comments on “Response from Mrs. Madison”

  1. terry1954 Says:


  2. Wasn’t that just the coolest!

  3. Dolly Was A Crackerjack Of A Lady…
    …And I Love This Letter 😉 hehehe
    It Shows A Lot About How Her Mind Worked.
    This Was Very Cool, Peeps. 🙂

  4. I have to agree with you! We really enjoyed meeting her and Mr. Madison. We look forward to seeing them again soon!

  5. David Says:

    Very cool!

  6. Thank you! We think so too!

  7. John Says:

    Excellent !!!!

  8. Thank you! We think so too!

  9. well done

  10. Thank you my dear!

  11. The highlight of our many visits to Gettysburg was meeting Gen and Mrs Grant and Gen Robert E. Lee. But we never got a note from them! Excellent indeed! Patty

  12. Thank you Patty! Now I wish I could have meet them too!! I’m jealous!

  13. These re-enactors are fantastic and do such a wonderful job. Why we even met Stonewall Jackson…at Gettysburg and for you historians you will understand why that was so great. We got a great lesson on his part of history of the “war between the states”

  14. I agree. I love to “meet” them. It makes things so real.

  15. Ran into Teddy Roosevelt at Sagamore Hill last August; he also looked bully.

  16. Haha! That was really good! Thank you!

  17. Omy gosh those are gorgeous flower arrangements! Especially for fall/winter!

  18. We think so too! Thank you!